{"ID":"207","0":"207","Title":"Hellraiser: Hellworld","1":"Hellraiser: Hellworld","Description":"The youngsters Chelsea, Allison, Derrick and Mike are grieving the suicide of their friend Adam, who became obsessed with an internet game called Hellworld. Their former friend Jake blames the group since they have not stopped playing the game even when Adam was unstable. When they receive an invitation to a Hellworld party in an isolated mansion, the reluctant Chelsea decides to join the group and they surprisingly find Jake in the party. He explains that he was invited by a girl he met in a chat room. They are hosted by the owner of the place, who shows them his private macabre collection. Along the night, they find that they are in a party in hell.","2":"The youngsters Chelsea, Allison, Derrick and Mike are grieving the suicide of their friend Adam, who became obsessed with an internet game called Hellworld. Their former friend Jake blames the group since they have not stopped playing the game even when Adam was unstable. When they receive an invitation to a Hellworld party in an isolated mansion, the reluctant Chelsea decides to join the group and they surprisingly find Jake in the party. He explains that he was invited by a girl he met in a chat room. They are hosted by the owner of the place, who shows them his private macabre collection. Along the night, they find that they are in a party in hell.","Year":"2005","3":"2005","Rated":"R","4":"R","Released":"06 Sep 2005","5":"06 Sep 2005","Runtime":"91 min","6":"91 min","Genre":"Horror","7":"Horror","Director":"Rick Bota","8":"Rick Bota","Writer":"Clive Barker (characters), Joel Soisson (story), Carl V. Dupr? (screenplay)","9":"Clive Barker (characters), Joel Soisson (story), Carl V. Dupr? (screenplay)","Actors":"Lance Henriksen, Katheryn Winnick, Christopher Jacot, Khary Payton","10":"Lance Henriksen, Katheryn Winnick, Christopher Jacot, Khary Payton","Language":"English","11":"English","Country":"USA, Romania","12":"USA, Romania","Awards":"N\/A","13":"N\/A","Poster":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BODU1NTI1NjU2N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTExMjAzMQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg","14":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BODU1NTI1NjU2N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTExMjAzMQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg","Metascore":"0","15":"0","imdbRating":"4","16":"4","imdbVotes":"6","17":"6","imdbID":"tt0354623","18":"tt0354623"}