{"ID":"313","0":"313","Title":"Lions for Lambs","1":"Lions for Lambs","Description":"Three stories told simultaneous in ninety minutes of real time: a Republican Senator who's a presidential hopeful gives an hour-long interview to a skeptical television reporter, detailing a strategy for victory in Afghanistan; two special forces ambushed on an Afghani ridge await rescue as Taliban forces close in; a poli-sci professor at a California college invites a promising student to re-engage. Decisions press upon the reporter, the student, and the soldiers.","2":"Three stories told simultaneous in ninety minutes of real time: a Republican Senator who's a presidential hopeful gives an hour-long interview to a skeptical television reporter, detailing a strategy for victory in Afghanistan; two special forces ambushed on an Afghani ridge await rescue as Taliban forces close in; a poli-sci professor at a California college invites a promising student to re-engage. Decisions press upon the reporter, the student, and the soldiers.","Year":"2007","3":"2007","Rated":"R","4":"R","Released":"09 Nov 2007","5":"09 Nov 2007","Runtime":"92 min","6":"92 min","Genre":"Drama, Thriller, War","7":"Drama, Thriller, War","Director":"Robert Redford","8":"Robert Redford","Writer":"Matthew Michael Carnahan","9":"Matthew Michael Carnahan","Actors":"Robert Redford, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Michael Pe?a","10":"Robert Redford, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Michael Pe?a","Language":"English","11":"English","Country":"USA","12":"USA","Awards":"2 nominations.","13":"2 nominations.","Poster":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMTcyMzc0MzYyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTM2NDk0NA@@._V1_SX300.jpg","14":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMTcyMzc0MzYyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTM2NDk0NA@@._V1_SX300.jpg","Metascore":"47","15":"47","imdbRating":"6","16":"6","imdbVotes":"40","17":"40","imdbID":"tt0891527","18":"tt0891527"}