{"ID":"381","0":"381","Title":"Enter the Phoenix","1":"Enter the Phoenix","Description":"Georgie is handsome, stylish and charming - but he's gay and his old-fashioned father is the leader of one of Hong Kong's powerful Triads. Should Georgie's lifestyle get out his father's position would be in jeopardy. So he sends Georgie away until after his death. But things don't go as planned!","2":"Georgie is handsome, stylish and charming - but he's gay and his old-fashioned father is the leader of one of Hong Kong's powerful Triads. Should Georgie's lifestyle get out his father's position would be in jeopardy. So he sends Georgie away until after his death. But things don't go as planned!","Year":"2004","3":"2004","Rated":"N\/A","4":"N\/A","Released":"08 Apr 2004","5":"08 Apr 2004","Runtime":"104 min","6":"104 min","Genre":"Action, Comedy","7":"Action, Comedy","Director":"Stephen Fung","8":"Stephen Fung","Writer":"Stephen Fung (screenplay), Yiu Fai Lo","9":"Stephen Fung (screenplay), Yiu Fai Lo","Actors":"Eason Chan, Daniel Wu, Karen Mok, Chapman To","10":"Eason Chan, Daniel Wu, Karen Mok, Chapman To","Language":"Cantonese","11":"Cantonese","Country":"Hong Kong","12":"Hong Kong","Awards":"N\/A","13":"N\/A","Poster":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMTg5NDc5MTQ5N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDYzNzcyMQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg","14":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMTg5NDc5MTQ5N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDYzNzcyMQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg","Metascore":"0","15":"0","imdbRating":"6","16":"6","imdbVotes":"854","17":"854","imdbID":"tt0407708","18":"tt0407708"}