{"ID":"386","0":"386","Title":"Ultimate Fights from the Movies","1":"Ultimate Fights from the Movies","Description":"In their second film compilation following their 'Boogeymen:The Killer Compilation' series, FlixMix takes you into the history of action movies from Hollywood to Hong Kong cinema that spans a 20-year period. This one features action scenes from 16 action-packed movies featuring action gurus, Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme and many more. The DVD edition features a audio commentary from legendary Hong Kong filmmaker, Tsui Hark (Once Upon A Time In China, Zu Warriors, Double Team) and an additional commentary by stuntman\/martial arts actor, James Lew that adds a excellent perspective to the action scenes. An instructional featurette by James Lew that will teach viewers the principals of throwing and receiving punches & kicks on film as well as choreographing your own fights. Different profiles of the actors, on-screen trivias of each movie will keep action fans entertained.","2":"In their second film compilation following their 'Boogeymen:The Killer Compilation' series, FlixMix takes you into the history of action movies from Hollywood to Hong Kong cinema that spans a 20-year period. This one features action scenes from 16 action-packed movies featuring action gurus, Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme and many more. The DVD edition features a audio commentary from legendary Hong Kong filmmaker, Tsui Hark (Once Upon A Time In China, Zu Warriors, Double Team) and an additional commentary by stuntman\/martial arts actor, James Lew that adds a excellent perspective to the action scenes. An instructional featurette by James Lew that will teach viewers the principals of throwing and receiving punches & kicks on film as well as choreographing your own fights. Different profiles of the actors, on-screen trivias of each movie will keep action fans entertained.","Year":"2002","3":"2002","Rated":"UNRATED","4":"UNRATED","Released":"16 Apr 2002","5":"16 Apr 2002","Runtime":"53 min","6":"53 min","Genre":"Action, Documentary","7":"Action, Documentary","Director":"N\/A","8":"N\/A","Writer":"N\/A","9":"N\/A","Actors":"Rab Affleck, Marc Akerstream, Ian Bannen, Andy Beckwith","10":"Rab Affleck, Marc Akerstream, Ian Bannen, Andy Beckwith","Language":"English","11":"English","Country":"USA","12":"USA","Awards":"N\/A","13":"N\/A","Poster":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMjE0OTcxNTg3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDA1NzkxMQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg","14":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMjE0OTcxNTg3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDA1NzkxMQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg","Metascore":"0","15":"0","imdbRating":"6","16":"6","imdbVotes":"282","17":"282","imdbID":"tt0324355","18":"tt0324355"}