{"ID":"39","0":"39","Title":"Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi","1":"Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi","Description":"Darth Vader and the Empire are building a new, indestructible Death Star. Meanwhile, Han Solo has been imprisoned, and Luke Skywalker has sent R2-D2 and C-3PO to try and free him. Princess Leia - disguised as a bounty hunter - and Chewbacca go along as well. The final battle takes place on the moon of Endor, with its natural inhabitants, the Ewoks, lending a hand to the Rebels. Will Darth Vader and the Dark Side overcome the Rebels and take over the universe?","2":"Darth Vader and the Empire are building a new, indestructible Death Star. Meanwhile, Han Solo has been imprisoned, and Luke Skywalker has sent R2-D2 and C-3PO to try and free him. Princess Leia - disguised as a bounty hunter - and Chewbacca go along as well. The final battle takes place on the moon of Endor, with its natural inhabitants, the Ewoks, lending a hand to the Rebels. Will Darth Vader and the Dark Side overcome the Rebels and take over the universe?","Year":"1983","3":"1983","Rated":"PG","4":"PG","Released":"25 May 1983","5":"25 May 1983","Runtime":"131 min","6":"131 min","Genre":"Action, Adventure, Fantasy","7":"Action, Adventure, Fantasy","Director":"Richard Marquand","8":"Richard Marquand","Writer":"Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay), George Lucas (story)","9":"Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay), George Lucas (screenplay), George Lucas (story)","Actors":"Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams","10":"Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams","Language":"English","11":"English","Country":"USA","12":"USA","Awards":"Nominated for 4 Oscars. Another 15 wins & 15 nominations.","13":"Nominated for 4 Oscars. Another 15 wins & 15 nominations.","Poster":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMTQ0MzI1NjYwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODU3NDU2MTE@._V1._CR93,97,1209,1861_SX89_AL_.jpg_V1_SX300.jpg","14":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMTQ0MzI1NjYwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODU3NDU2MTE@._V1._CR93,97,1209,1861_SX89_AL_.jpg_V1_SX300.jpg","Metascore":"52","15":"52","imdbRating":"8","16":"8","imdbVotes":"590","17":"590","imdbID":"tt0086190","18":"tt0086190"}