{"ID":"401","0":"401","Title":"The Legend of Drunken Master","1":"The Legend of Drunken Master","Description":"Returning home with his father after a shopping expedition, Wong Fei-Hong is unwittingly caught up in the battle between foreigners who wish to export ancient Chinese artifacts and loyalists who don't want the pieces to leave the country. Fei-Hong has learned a style of fighting called \"Drunken Boxing\", which makes him a dangerous person to cross. Unfortunately, his father is opposed to his engaging in any kind of fighting, let alone drunken boxing. Consequently, Fei-Hong not only has to fight against the foreigners, but he must overcome his father's antagonism as well.","2":"Returning home with his father after a shopping expedition, Wong Fei-Hong is unwittingly caught up in the battle between foreigners who wish to export ancient Chinese artifacts and loyalists who don't want the pieces to leave the country. Fei-Hong has learned a style of fighting called \"Drunken Boxing\", which makes him a dangerous person to cross. Unfortunately, his father is opposed to his engaging in any kind of fighting, let alone drunken boxing. Consequently, Fei-Hong not only has to fight against the foreigners, but he must overcome his father's antagonism as well.","Year":"1994","3":"1994","Rated":"R","4":"R","Released":"20 Oct 2000","5":"20 Oct 2000","Runtime":"102 min","6":"102 min","Genre":"Action, Comedy","7":"Action, Comedy","Director":"Chia-Liang Liu","8":"Chia-Liang Liu","Writer":"Edward Tang (screenplay), Man-Ming Tong (screenplay), Kai-Chi Yuen (screenplay), Rod Dean (english adaptation)","9":"Edward Tang (screenplay), Man-Ming Tong (screenplay), Kai-Chi Yuen (screenplay), Rod Dean (english adaptation)","Actors":"Jackie Chan, Lung Ti, Anita Mui, Felix Wong","10":"Jackie Chan, Lung Ti, Anita Mui, Felix Wong","Language":"Cantonese","11":"Cantonese","Country":"Hong Kong","12":"Hong Kong","Awards":"3 wins & 1 nomination.","13":"3 wins & 1 nomination.","Poster":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMTM4OTkwNzE0MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTg4NjAyMQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg","14":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMTM4OTkwNzE0MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTg4NjAyMQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg","Metascore":"74","15":"74","imdbRating":"8","16":"8","imdbVotes":"33","17":"33","imdbID":"tt0111512","18":"tt0111512"}