{"ID":"415","0":"415","Title":"Pom Pom","1":"Pom Pom","Description":"Chau and Beethoven, two Hong Kong police detectives, go through misadventures to protect a young girl from a ruthless crime lord, as she possesses a ledger that contains all of the ...","2":"Chau and Beethoven, two Hong Kong police detectives, go through misadventures to protect a young girl from a ruthless crime lord, as she possesses a ledger that contains all of the ...","Year":"1984","3":"1984","Rated":"N\/A","4":"N\/A","Released":"22 Feb 1984","5":"22 Feb 1984","Runtime":"100 min","6":"100 min","Genre":"Action, Comedy","7":"Action, Comedy","Director":"Tung Cho 'Joe' Cheung","8":"Tung Cho 'Joe' Cheung","Writer":"Bo Ho Writing Team","9":"Bo Ho Writing Team","Actors":"Richard Ng, John Sham, Deannie Yip, Philip Chan","10":"Richard Ng, John Sham, Deannie Yip, Philip Chan","Language":"Cantonese","11":"Cantonese","Country":"Hong Kong","12":"Hong Kong","Awards":"N\/A","13":"N\/A","Poster":"","14":"","Metascore":"0","15":"0","imdbRating":"6","16":"6","imdbVotes":"169","17":"169","imdbID":"tt0088105","18":"tt0088105"}