{"ID":"423","0":"423","Title":"Snake in the Eagle's Shadow","1":"Snake in the Eagle's Shadow","Description":"Jackie Chan is a boy who is used as a janitor at his kung-fu school. Jackie Chan can't fight and is always getting bullied by the teachers and pupils. One day an old man helps Jackie train in an art of kung-fu called the ' Snake's Fist '. Jackie doesn't get bullied again. Then Jacki creates his own style and mixes it with the Snake's Fist. His style is based on the movement and actions of a cat. One day the old man is in trouble by a man who does ' The Eagle's Claw' and Jackie helps the old man.","2":"Jackie Chan is a boy who is used as a janitor at his kung-fu school. Jackie Chan can't fight and is always getting bullied by the teachers and pupils. One day an old man helps Jackie train in an art of kung-fu called the ' Snake's Fist '. Jackie doesn't get bullied again. Then Jacki creates his own style and mixes it with the Snake's Fist. His style is based on the movement and actions of a cat. One day the old man is in trouble by a man who does ' The Eagle's Claw' and Jackie helps the old man.","Year":"1978","3":"1978","Rated":"PG","4":"PG","Released":"01 Nov 1982","5":"01 Nov 1982","Runtime":"90 min","6":"90 min","Genre":"Action, Comedy","7":"Action, Comedy","Director":"Woo-Ping Yuen","8":"Woo-Ping Yuen","Writer":"Chi Yuan Hsi, Huo An Hsi, See-Yuen Ng (screenplay), Loong Shiao, Chi-Kuang Tsai (screenplay)","9":"Chi Yuan Hsi, Huo An Hsi, See-Yuen Ng (screenplay), Loong Shiao, Chi-Kuang Tsai (screenplay)","Actors":"Jackie Chan, Siu Tin Yuen, Jang Lee Hwang, Dean Shek","10":"Jackie Chan, Siu Tin Yuen, Jang Lee Hwang, Dean Shek","Language":"Cantonese","11":"Cantonese","Country":"Hong Kong","12":"Hong Kong","Awards":"N\/A","13":"N\/A","Poster":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMjEyMTUwOTIxNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTIwNjYyMQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg","14":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BMjEyMTUwOTIxNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTIwNjYyMQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg","Metascore":"0","15":"0","imdbRating":"8","16":"8","imdbVotes":"7","17":"7","imdbID":"tt0078252","18":"tt0078252"}