{"ID":"460","0":"460","Title":"Transformers: The Last Knight","1":"Transformers: The Last Knight","Description":"Optimus Prime finding his home planet, Cybertron, now a dead planet, which he comes to find he was responsible for killing. He finds a way to bring the planet back to life, but in order to do so he needs to find an artifact, and that artifact is on Earth .","2":"Optimus Prime finding his home planet, Cybertron, now a dead planet, which he comes to find he was responsible for killing. He finds a way to bring the planet back to life, but in order to do so he needs to find an artifact, and that artifact is on Earth .","Year":"2017","3":"2017","Rated":"N\/A","4":"N\/A","Released":"23 Jun 2017","5":"23 Jun 2017","Runtime":"N\/A","6":"N\/A","Genre":"Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi","7":"Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi","Director":"Michael Bay","8":"Michael Bay","Writer":"Matt Holloway, Art Marcum, Ken Nolan","9":"Matt Holloway, Art Marcum, Ken Nolan","Actors":"Anthony Hopkins, Mark Wahlberg, Laura Haddock, John Goodman","10":"Anthony Hopkins, Mark Wahlberg, Laura Haddock, John Goodman","Language":"English","11":"English","Country":"USA","12":"USA","Awards":"N\/A","13":"N\/A","Poster":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BODgwZmUxMjAtZmFmOC00OGNkLTlkNDgtOWRiMWRmMzlkMjg1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjY0Mjg1MjI@._V1_SX300.jpg","14":"\/netflix\/images\/MV5BODgwZmUxMjAtZmFmOC00OGNkLTlkNDgtOWRiMWRmMzlkMjg1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjY0Mjg1MjI@._V1_SX300.jpg","Metascore":"0","15":"0","imdbRating":"0","16":"0","imdbVotes":"0","17":"0","imdbID":"tt3371366","18":"tt3371366"}